Before your child’s first visit, you can order through Dr. Annie’s office a customized Dentasaurus book. The book is illustrated and customized with the child’s name and serves as a fun and non-threatening introduction to the dentist. Please read the book together often and try to familiarize him/her with the few ideas mentioned in the book. Feel free to relate your own positive dental stories, however leaving out as much detail as possible as this will unnecessarily worry the child. For older children, please explain to him/her that Dr. Annie will have her own unique way of doing dentistry, and that they should ask Dr. Annie in person when they come to the office. Dr. Annie’s treatment plan and clinical approach to each child is different, tailored to the child’s dental needs, as well as their emotional and physical maturity. On the first visit, you will be requested to complete a medical and dental health history for your child.

Health History FormView / Download PDF

COVID-19 Screening QuestionnaireView / Download PDF

COVID-19 Treatment Consent FormView / Download PDF